Bio Azienda stancanelli

Our company is located in the province of Enna and Catania at the foot of Mount Etna.

Always the natural vocation of our land has led us to specialize in the production of oranges.

Sicily with its specific soil and climatic conditions and especially with the Etna neighborhood

is the only place in the world which produces the true Tarot Orange famous for its unique fragrance.

Our company produces from November to June, several varieties of citrus.

Since 1995 he converted and certified the company and the product organic. The body that controls us is Suolo e Salute.

The soils are all bordered by olive trees of the variety Nocellare Etna from which

we get an excellent extra virgin organic olive oil with a fruity flavor and unmistakable smell of tomato and grass.

Our oil has particular organoleptic characteristics because it is taken care of right from the collection

which is done by hand and prematurely to achieve the lowest possible degree of acidity.

Moreover, our olives are pressed in cold local mills within 24 hours after collection particularly taking care

of the cleaning in all the processing and production phases.